Release processes
Repos involved in releases
- YMCA Website Services Drupal Profile Distribution YCloudYUSA/yusaopeny
- YMCA Website Services Project for initiating an YMCA Website Services instance - YCloudYUSA/yusaopeny-project
- Continuous Integration/DevOps for rebuilding/installing YMCA Website Services - YCloudYUSA/yusaopeny-cibox-build
- CIBox development environment (Virtualbox, Docker, Vagrant) YCloudYUSA/yusaopeny-cibox-vm
- Docksal development environment (Docker, VirtualBox) - YCloudYUSA/yusaopeny-docksal
Release Management
When tagging a new release of YMCA Website Services, the Lead Architect takes the following steps:
- Review/Merge/Update YCloudYUSA/yusaopeny-project (usually composer.json or/and oneline script install) and tag a new release there.
- Review/Merge all Pull Requests in YCloudYUSA/yusaopeny that were planned for release.
- Change the YMCA Website Services version in
. - Change the YMCA Website Services version in major modules if there were changes to them (Activity Finder, PEF, etc).
- Create Changelog release notes as a draft and include Contributors as well as major issues fixed/introduced.
- Spin up a copy of an YMCA Website Services site and check top priority functionality for regressions.
- Send for review to Core Team (Craig Paulnock, Paige Kiecker), get approval.
- Change the YMCA Website Services version to next with -dev suffix for developers in
. - Refresh the YMCA Website Services private mirror on the
CI server. - Check that the
one-click install is working on a fresh DigitalOcean instance ($10: 1CPU 2Gb RAM). Ensure the version of YMCA Website Services is the proper one in site info (
). - Publish announcement in #developers YMCA Website Services Slack channel.
- Publish announcement in #general YMCA Website Services Slack channel.
Last modified September 14, 2023: docs: Dev title cleanup (d4ecb84d)