Program Event Framework
A robust set of content types and syncer modules that build interactive tools to help members find and book activities.
“Program Event Framework” refers to the entire ecosystem of content and modules in YMCA Website Services that work together to build Activity Finder, Group Schedules, and more.
Content Types
These provide the containers for PEF content in Drupal:
These provide integrations to pull content from external systems into the content types:
- Extended Daxko API Integration (
) - Simple Daxko Integration (deprecated) (
) - ActiveNet Integration (
) - Personify Integration (
) - GroupEx Pro (Daxko) Integration (
) - PEF (Program Event Framework) GXP (GroupEx Pro) Sync (
) - YMCA 360 (Y360) Integration (
) - Traction Rec Integration (
These display the content for users to discover:
- Activity Finder
- Activity Finder (User Docs)
- Activity Finder (
) - this repo contains in-depth developer documentation.
- Activity Finder (
- Activity Finder (User Docs)
- Group Schedules
- Group Schedules (User Docs)
- Repeat Schedules (
) - contains the “Repeat Schedules” block which is the basis for Group Schedules.
Data model
The network of data structures in PEF can be confusing. Here’s how it all works
--- title: PEF Relationships --- erDiagram program { entityRefTerm field_program_color paragraph field_content paragraph field_header_content paragraph field_sidebar_content textFormattedLong field_program_description entityRefMedia field_program_icon entityRefMedia field_program_image layout layout_builder__layout meta field_meta_tags bool field_use_layout_builder } program_subcategory { paragraph field_bottom_content entityRefTerm field_category_color paragraph field_content paragraph field_sidebar_content textFormattedLong field_category_description paragraph field_header_content entityRefMedia field_category_image layout layout_builder__layout meta field_meta_tags entityRefProgram field_category_program bool field_use_layout_builder } program_subcategory }|--|| program : field_category_program activity { textFormattedLong field_activity_description entityRefProgSub field_activity_category } activity }o--|| program_subcategory : field_activity_category class { entityRefActivity field_class_activity paragraph field_bottom_content paragraph field_content textFormattedLong field_class_description paragraph field_header_content meta field_meta_tags paragraph field_sidebar_content } class }o--|| activity : field_class_activity session { listText field_activity_type entityRefClass field_session_class textFormattedLong field_session_description dateRange field_session_exclusions listText field_session_gender numberInt field_availability bool field_session_in_mbrsh textPlain field_session_instructor entityRefLoc field_session_location numberInt field_session_max_age listText field_session_max_grade numberDec field_session_mbr_price numberInt field_session_min_age listText field_session_min_grade numberDec field_session_nmbr_price bool field_session_online entityRef field_session_plocation numberInt field_productid link field_session_reg_link textPlain field_session_room paragraph field_session_time numberInt field_wait_list_availability } session }|--|| class : field_session_class session ||--o{ session_time_paragraph : field_session_type session_time_paragraph { dateRange field_session_time_date listText field_session_time_days textPlain field_session_time_override } branch { } camp { } facility { } session }o--|| branch : field_session_location session }o--|| camp : field_session_location session }o--|| facility : field_session_location session }o--|| facility : field_session_plocation
More information on how this data gets out into each display will be coming soon.
Last modified April 3, 2024: docs: Add detail to LB Event recurrence (5bc56786)