Theming and Design
Welcome to YMCA Website Services Theming and Design documentation.
How to change styles on content type level
Given: As an YMCA Website Services site developer, I want to be able to easily change the CSS for a Camp page independently from a Location page, so I can better customize the site to meet the needs of my customers.
How to:
- If you need to change CSS on some pages independently, you should enable Custom CSS functionality on the theme configuration page - Custom CSS - check “Enable or disable custom CSS”.
- Input CSS code into the textarea.
In order to change CSS on each particular page you should use the following selectors:
- .page-node-type-{node type};
- .node-id-{node ID};
- .path-frontpage.
The existing node types are: activity, alert, blog, branch, camp, class, facility, landing-page, membership, news, program, program-subcategory, session.
Last modified September 13, 2023: fix: Properly nest all of the legacy docs (866c4783)